Sunday, September 29, 2013

photo assignment

Alright, so this is an assignment for my photography class to experiment with different angles and lighting and things. So I am posting the finished results. I convinced my sister to be the subject, and we had a little photo shoot. And I gotta say, I thought some of these looked pretty good.
- Direct (straight on)
- Strong light source (with lights and darks)

-Depth of field
- Etreme perspective

-turned away, isolated, or edging out of frame
-transformed or altered state
-zoomed in


  1. #4,8,9 - REALLY nice photos!!! Tell me how many you have taken inorder to get the one you picked.

    1. I took about 50 actually. a pretty good amount for the pictures I posted

  2. 1,3,5 post others from your rejects - all the others - these 3 are the weakest, most ordinary - Let me see if we agree on which of the many were the strongest!

  3. I like the extreme perspective picture the best. Jenna is adorable
